2025 Cub Leader Training
2300 Maddox Chapel Rd NE
Dalton, GA 30721
Saturday, January 25, 2025
at Northwest Georgia College and Career Academy
9 am til 1pm
Cub Scout
Leader Training
The Northwest Georgia Council, BSA, is offering the following training date for
Cub Scout Den Leader, Cub Scout Pack Committee, and Cubmaster.
If you or a Scouter you know is interested in becoming trained in any of the above positions,
let them know about this opportunity.
Classes start at 9 am and will last until 1:00 pm.
Bring your own Lunch .
These classes will be taught in the Northwest College and Career Academy.
Registration for these classes are online at www.nwgabsa.org.
Registration deadline is January 22, 2025. Please bring your BSA Medical Form.
If you have any questions…
David Lankford, Three Rivers Training Chairman